Urban Health Project Alumni
2016 Alumni
- Gayle Kouklis, Co-Director
- Joe Burkhammer, Co-Director
- Shannon Clay, Bethany House
- Amber Young, Bethesda North Ob/Gyn Center
- Zoe Walters, Breast and Cervical Cancer Project
- Grace Lambert, Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio
- Joe Weethee, Center for Addiction Treatment
- Nithin Banda, Center for Addiction Treatment
- Michael Adams, City Gospel Mission
- Christopher Kanner, Crossroad Health Center - OTR
- Salima Sewani, Crossroad Health Center - OTR
- Christina Lee, Crossroad Health Center - West
- Neha Ray, Division of Community Women’s Health - UC Dept. of ObGyn
- Rebecca Wuestefeld-Morris, First Step Home
- Andrea Rosado, Good Samaritan Free Health Center
- Tessa Benanzer, Lighthouse New Beginnings
- Nick DePriest, Lighthouse Youth Crisis Center
- John Duchak, Lighthouse Youth Development Center
- Helen Mulcahy, Off the Streets® - Cincinnati Union Bethel
- Kevin Polacek, Project Connect
- Sean Bloor, Project Connect
- Brandon O’Malley, Tender Mercies
- Nirguna Thalla, Tender Mercies
- Heather Peterson, UC Department of Family and Community Medicine
- Zoe Walters, Welcome House of Northern Kentucky