Former Site: Division of Community Women's Health

Site Description

The Division of Community Women's Health in the Department of ObGyn exists to provide excellent obstetric and gynecologic care with a focus on the needs of underserved women. As part of their approach, the Division seeks to treat women with an understanding of their unique circumstances and the larger social factors that contribute to disparities in health care. They are heavily involved in community engagement and efforts to address the social determinants of health that affect women in Cincinnati. In the past, this site has also provided an opportunity to work with Cradle Cincinnati, an organization working to address the important issue of infant mortality.

Job Description

  • Be exposed to a hospital-based ambulatory care delivery system that serves the medically disadvantaged.
  • Improve their understanding of the difficulties that underinsured/uninsured individuals face when accessing health care.
  • Complete a project relating to women's health that will support care provision in the center. The project will be negotiated between the site supervisor and clinical supervisor. Examples of such projects could include the coordination and/or development of patient education materials, the identification of additional resources for the patients, or the presentation of patient education programs.
  • Shadow physicians (attendings and residents) during the provision of patient care.
  • Shadow other members of the health care team such as social workers, nutritionists, and nurse midwives.
  • Work 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday or as negotiated in advance.
  • The intern will work at the many different sites throughout Cincinnati served by the Division of Community Women’s Health.

Contact Info

Medical Sciences Building Room 7110
Albert Sabin Way
ML 0526
Cincinnati, OH 45267

Phone: 513-558-7013

Fax: 513-558-3558

View Website

Site Supervisor: Dr. Rocco Rossi

Location of Former Site: Division of Community Women's Health